Protecting Your Personal Information: Our Privacy Policy
Privacy and Consent
All of our workers agree to protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our participants by signing Confidentiality Statements. These statements are kept in the worker’s electronic records.
We will seek the consent of the participant before disclosing information to any other party. We discuss issues of consent with participants, including withdrawal of consent:
- When developing their Service Agreement,
- and signing an initial Privacy Consent Form,
- and remind at yearly reviews and when a Privacy Consent Form is updated.
Personal information may be collected from prospective or current participants communicating with us in formats such as, standard forms, in writing, over the Internet, via email or during a telephone conversation with us.
With the participant’s consent, we may collect personal information from other service providers, chosen supporters and/or community members, and from whom the participant requests to be involved. Additional consent will need to be sought to share information with other providers or informal community supports if identified at Service Agreement, Assessment, Support Planning, or ongoing support meetings.
Participants can change their mind at any time about consenting to a party accessing their personal information. When we agree to provide supports to a participant, we are required to obtain the consents necessary to provide those supports.
Participants may withdraw consents at any time. Personnel managing their supports will be aware of consents that are essential to provide those supports and must explain the consequences to participants (and/or their chosen supporters) if withdrawal of consents affects provision of supports.
Where participants are unable to provide consent, personnel managing supports for that participant such as a family member, carer, guardian, or advocate who is legally allowed to act on a behalf of a participant can provide consent.
Participant consents must be placed on the participant’s individual file. Where a written consent could not be obtained this will be documented on the participant’s file.
To maintain privacy and confidentiality of information, documents are protected through password protection for computers and electronic files and are stored in locked cabinets when printed and not in use.
Information that a participant has provided to assist in the delivery of supports is always confidential, unless that participant consents to disclosure (in writing).
Personnel must not disclose information about a participant that is identifiable directly or indirectly about a to that participant without the written consent of the participant, unless required by law. Where written consent is not available or appropriate, we will facilitate the participant to be supported by a carer, family member or advocate empowered to make an informed decision about consent.
Data Policy
What is unauthorised use of data?
Unauthorised use of data occurs when data is used:
- other than in accordance with its licensing terms;
- by someone who does not have permission to use the data; and/or
- in a way that interferes with an individual’s privacy either under the relevant privacy law or in breach of the Privacy Policy.
An unauthorised use of the company's data occurs when an individual or organisation uses the data in a way that breaches the Privacy Policy.If you suspect there has been unauthorised use of data and/or the website, please contact enquiries@chcsa.com.au
What is a data breach?
A data breach occurs when the information collected and stored by CHSA is misused or is removed, accessed, modified or disclosed without permission.
A data breach may be accidental (e.g., a person or organisation accidentally accesses or discloses personal information outside of what is authorised) or intentional (e.g., a database is hacked into or otherwise accessed by someone or an organisation outside of CHSA and sells or attempts to sell the data to third parties).
CHSA takes data breaches very seriously. If you suspect there has been a data breach involving information collected and stored by Conscious Healthcare SA, please contact enquiries@chcsa.com.au immediately.
What is copyright?
Copyright is the bundle of rights in certain creative works, such as text, artistic works, music, computer programs, sound recordings and films. Copyright owners can prevent others from reproducing or communicating their work without their permission.
In Australia, copyright protection is automatic under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth). A work will be protected as soon as it is put into material form (such as being written down or recorded in some way). A person does not need to register their copyright, publish the work, put a copyright notice on it to receive protection in Australia. A copyright owner may licence or sell their rights to others.
This policy may change at any time.